Make sure to wash your hands after handling ... courgette strips for arms and legs and a piece of carrot for a smile. Set your Humpty Dumpty on his egg cup. To finish it off you can draw your ...
Here are the 15 funniest Far Side comics that somehow found a way to make eggs funny, from misbehaving chickens to poor Humpty Dumpty. Be sure to vote in our end-of-article poll for your favorite ...
Humpty Dumpty is a metaphor for environmental regulation, put on the wall by the government, only to be knocked to the ground ...
"Humpty Dumpty -- what used to be a wholesome ... When asked by Johnson what price eggs would have to reach to make him give them up altogether, a different man said, "If it goes to $20, I would ...
Bullied as a child (though whoever thought it was a good idea to mix a seemingly fragile egg-boy with real children is clearly just looking to make an ... given Humpty Dumpty’s presence, there ...