they saw heavy smoke coming from the side and back of the house, Clay Fire Department assistant chief Mark Procopio said. The damage inside the house is severe, Procopio said. The family won’t ...
Called "Ash Lea" and sometimes the "George Miller Home," the house at 331 Central Ave. and its surrounding 3 acres were once the sister property to Henry Clay's "Ashland" home in Lexington.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - After nearly three decades in business, Uncle Clay’s House of Pure Aloha is closing for good at the end of this month. Its last day of business is Feb. 24. The beloved ...
FW car dealership owner, has three of Highland Park's finest mansions. He may knock some down to build his dream home.
Download the free KHON2 app for iOS or Android to stay informed on the latest news KHON2 took a closer look at the challenges Uncle Clay’s House of Pure Aloha faced in their last week of ...
She taught herself to make candles by watching YouTube videos, then got her own place and started up Clay House Candles – "DoorDashing" by day to make money for rent and fueling that dream at night.