Accompanying footage shows Magee and his seatmates, Nathan Carter and Matthew Crampsey, performing a lively rendition of “Las Vegas (In the Hills of Donegal),” a song popularized in the 1990s ...
A POPULAR travel show about Ireland on America’s public broadcasting network PBS will showcase Donegal in an entire episode, ...
After John Gillespie Sr. came to what is today Donegal Township in 1796, he built a simple cabin and returned to his previous residence to retrieve his few worldly possessions. Among those ...
Donegal Mountain Rescue Team has appealed to the public to stay safe and inform their local gardaí if they plan to climb mountains during the cold snap, following a late-night callout.
Starting from the northernmost point of Donegal and winding its way down to ... Here, cliffs, seething seas, and a backdrop of rolling hills create a breathtaking and humbling landscape.
FacebookTweetLinkedInPrint Donegal’s best young darters had huge successes at this weekend’s West Coast Championships in ...