The snug piercing runs along the anti-helix of the ear - basically the inner ridge of ... pain threshold this piercing can be pretty painful both during the process and in the recovery time ...
While helix piercings offer a fun way to adorn your ears with different styles of jewelry ... Friedler advises applying rubbing alcohol on both sides of the piercing twice a day to kill off ...
The snug piercing runs along the anti-helix of the ear - basically the inner ridge of ... pain threshold this piercing can be pretty painful both during the process and in the recovery time ...
Both ends of this side-to-side piercing are ... which play a huge role as specific communities or icons popularise single ear piercings. A helix piercing is done on the outer upper cartilage ...
Needle or Piercing Gun? A look at three local spots that use sterile needles, and why this is a safer method for your child.
The conch, the middle section of your ear, looks great with a hoop that wraps around both the inside and outside ... One of the more common placements for a piercing, the upper cartilage of the helix ...