London's Heathrow, shut down by a power outage, is Europe's busiest airport - but only the 4th or 5th globally. Here's a look ...
Heathrow Airport temporarily closed Friday due to an electrical fire, causing delays for those traveling internationally.
London’s Heathrow Airport shut down because of a power outage from a large fire nearby, causing massive disruption at one of ...
A massive power outage at London's Heathrow Airport brought operations to a halt.
A fire at a nearby substation knocked out the airport's power. At least 1,350 flights were affected, FlightRadar 24 said, and ...
Find out which airports rank as the busiest in the world, and how the recent fire at London Heathrow has affected global air ...
The airport said it had made space for extra flights, but it is expected to take days to get stranded passengers to their ...
Heathrow executives are defending their response to a fire that shut down Europe’s busiest air hub for almost a day ...
The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a ...
Heathrow’s chief executive has defended the airport’s response to the power outage and shutdown that sparked global travel ...
London's Heathrow Airport reopened on Saturday after a power outage at one of the world's busiest airports the previous day ...
A fire at an electrical substation supplying London Heathrow Airport caused a major power outage, leading to the grounding of ...