And hey, the opt-in playtest is free, and the game itself is easy to run and only takes up a few gigs. Why not try it out? Half Sword | Free at Steam (Playtest) Half Sword is one of the only ...
It helps to install the known mods for Half Sword demo v0.3 (Steam release) and Half Sword Playtest. When the game is not running, start the installer, and press the big button and wait. Don't press ...
Half Sword is a fighting game, allowing us to become 15th century knights, participating in duels and tournaments. The game offers a combat system featuring melee weapons and realistic physics. It's ...
find the game installation folder of the playtest version of the game, not the demo, obviously. The Half Sword Playtest is usually installed somewhere like: C:\Program Files ...
The primary game mode in Half Sword's playtest is a simple duel against an AI using a similar amount of armor as you, but randomized weapons. However, there are also a few other scenarios you can ...