Stigma and ignorance can make pregnancy a lonely experience for women living with HIV. While clinical guidelines are ...
HIV-positive mothers with undetectable viral load can now safely breastfeed their infants, according to recently updated ...
Home-based HIV counseling and relationship building improved HIV testing, diagnoses and viral suppression among pregnant ...
Lynae Darbes, PhD, presented research on the effectiveness of a home-based intervention for HIV prevention among couples ...
SAN FRANCISCO -- Providing long-acting (LA) antiretroviral therapy (ART) to breastfeeding women with HIV who face adherence ...
Children exposed to antiretroviral (ARV) therapy in utero and not exposed to HIV showed no difference in language development ...
Providing feedback following point-of-care urine testing for tenofovir concentrations was associated with increased PrEP ...
A survey of HIV health care providers in the US revealed the various approaches that providers took for prescribing ...
In the fight against HIV, one of the most vulnerable populations is often overlooked - newborn babiesIt is estimated that 120,000 new HIV infections occur in children aged 14 years and younger every ...