Yet if left unchecked it could lead to receding gums and gum pockets, bone deterioration ... you want to wrap around the tooth and go up and down a couple of time just to give like a scrubbing ...
Treatment may include oral rinses, which involve swishing a medicated mouthwash around your mouth ... Periodontitis causes the gums to pull away from the teeth leaving pockets where bacteria ...
Without treatment, it can damage the gum tissue above and around your teeth ... Periodontitis separates your gums from your teeth. This leaves pockets for bacteria to grow. This bacteria is ...
I would keep it up for a few weeks, then run out of inter-dental brushes and neglect my gums until I got around ... pockets to form which are difficult to clean. The gums will recede and the tooth ...
This also helps clean sensitive periodontal pockets to target plaque left ... Take a second or two on each tooth as you move around your mouth, until you have finished flossing.