"A really great indicator." Scientists make unexpected discovery about rare creature threatened by wildfires: 'Fantastic to ...
Recorded at 45% higher than before Australia's drought-wildfire combo of 2019, it was described as "nothing short of ...
What do the Australian lungfish , ghost bat , sandhill dunnart and southern and central greater gliders have in common?
Ecologist Peter Smith says more emphasis must be placed on protecting pockets of the gliders' strong habitat and building corridors to connect them. Endangered greater gliders in part of the ...
The groups called on the state government to better protect species such as the threatened Greater Glider and Victoria’s animal emblem, the critically endangered Leadbeater’s possum. Citizen Science ...
Environment Minister Tanya Plibsersek is being taken to federal court by a conservation group over failure to list recovery ...
Picture: NewsWire/ Martin Ollman This list includes the greater glider, ghost bat, Baudin’s cockatoo, forest red-tailed black cockatoo, Carnaby’s black cockatoo, Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle ...
Koalas and greater gliders are claimed to be at risk from Qld’s newest coal mine in new drone footage, as an environmental group urgently calls on the federal government to add more protections.
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