This article was originally published with the title “ The General Circulation of the Atmosphere ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 195 No. 6 (December 1956), p. 40 doi:10.1038 ...
The Walker circulation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in the tropics, has accelerated in recent years, puzzling climate ...
The resulting dataset, named JAWARA, makes it possible to perform detailed analysis of the general circulation of the atmosphere and its hierarchical structure. "Atmospheric general circulation ...
Seager, R. & Battisti, D. S. "Challenges to our understanding of the general circulation: Abrupt climate change," in The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere: Phenomena, Theory, Challenges ...
Mars' atmosphere moves differently from Earth's due to gravity waves. These waves affect air circulation at high altitudes.
Low atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations ... However, it is difficult to achieve glacial CO 2 in complex models, such as general-circulation models. If the general-circulation models are ...
In a nutshell • Tiny atmospheric ripples called gravity waves, not large planetary waves, are the main drivers of Mars’s ...
They are driven by both wind and thermohaline circulation interacting with each ... This is similar to how winds in the atmosphere blow along isobars around high and low pressure systems rather ...
A new study by researchers including those at the University of Tokyo revealed that atmospheric gravity waves play a crucial ...
The team, which also included Masahiro Watanabe from the University of Tokyo and MPI-M researcher Veronika Gayler, compared dedicated simulations of the general circulation atmospheric model ECHAM6.3 ...
There is a surplus of energy at the tropics and a deficit in polar areas. Atmospheric and oceanic circulation redistributes this energy, so energy is moved from areas of surplus (between 38 ...