David Anderson: "Wanna know a secret? This oyster I'm about to eat could still be alive! So, why do we do this?" Most people think it's a food safety issue. Keep the oyster alive as long as ...
I actually thought that oysters could live in freshwater," said one student when asked what they've learned. "I learned what oyster farms actually look like!" said another student. "I thought they ...
Natural freshwater pearls occur in mussels for the same reason that saltwater pearls occur in oysters. Foreign material ... and insert small pieces of live mantle tissue from another mussel ...
Japan's akoya oysters have been preëminent among cultured ... helped open the door for other kinds of pearls, such as Chinese freshwater and South Seas saltwater pearls, with a consequent loss ...
Freshwater pearls are still cultured by inserting small pieces of native mussel shell into oysters. Mussels are fascinating because ... are 890 known freshwater mussel species, and 302 of those live ...