You might think chocolate comes in a few basic types and that's it, but the varieties and sub categories are more diverse.
Though the different kinds of chocolate available can seem mind-numbingly similar, there's a key difference between dark ...
But dark chocolate often sticks out as the best choice. Dark chocolate generally contains less sugar than other types of chocolate. More importantly, it has higher concentrations of cocoa powder.
Any type of bittersweet chocolate will work, but for best results use one that’s tasty enough to eat out of hand and contains about 70% cocoa solids. Don’t use natural cocoa.
Once the beans are harvested, the production process aligns with other types of chocolate. The beans are removed from the cocoa pod, collected, and fermented. These beans are then dried and ...
Chocolate itself first began as Xocolatl ... The beans were also regarded as the highest form of currency, even more valuable than gold, and used to purchase food and various goods.