Spring’s arrival and warming temperatures will soon bring flocks of people outdoors in Colorado – and feathered friends will follow suit. Seasonal bird migration is about to ramp up ...
Adult: gray and yellow areas of underparts fairly bright, with abrupt gray-yellow contrast on breast. Outer pairs of tail feathers extensively rufous on inner webs; dark shaft stripes and rufous ...
As destruction of southwestern streamside forests continues, the Center is taking concrete action to win adequate protections for flycatcher habitat. In 2008 we sued over a politically motivated ...
State officials warn pet owners as bird flu is found in 11 Colorado cats, urging caution with raw poultry and pet food.
The striking scissor-tailed flycatcher is our only regular “long-tailed kingbird.” It is not only graceful and beautiful, but also common and easy to observe. Monotypic. Length 10–14.8".