Thousands of flesh-eating piranhas have infested a Brazilian river ... The aggressive razor-tooth fish began schooling there about two weeks ago. Elson de Campos Pinto, 22, who was bitten on ...
She was diagnosed with the virulent Vibrio vulnificus, often called the “flesh-eating bacteria,” according to a GoFundMe set up by her friend, Anna Messina. Her body could not fight off the ...
The uploader of the video, who labeled them piranhas, has not responded to requests for comment. An earlier version of this story presumed the fish were piranhas, but after we received comments on ...
The exceptions to this are non-predatory, non-poisonous fish in an aquarium under twenty gallons if your roommate approves. Piranhas and other flesh-eating fish are not permitted. This mandate aligns ...
From the fearsome piranha and vampire fish to the mighty anaconda, the crocodile, and the candiru, these are among the most terrifying reptiles, insects, spiders, and fish.
Chef Ricardo Zarate fears not the sharp-toothed fish at his new Peruvian izakaya ... Zarate has now upped his status to the Fresh Prince of Piranha. That’s a good thing.