"Has Fallen" is a series of action-thriller films following the adventures of Secret Service Agent Mike Banning, President of the United States Benjamin Asher, and Vice President of the United ...
Angel Has Fallen is the third film in the "Fallen" series, starring Gerard Butler as an uber-badass Secret Service agent. The first trailer for the film has been released and it looks like the ...
If you are looking for a bit of mindless action ,‘Angel Has Fallen’ is a perfectly acceptable slice of mediocre pie... "Has Fallen" is a series of action-thriller films following the ...
London Has Fallen and the finale Angel Has Fallen which was set in France. Before the fourth movie comes to cinemas, a ...
Gerard Butler details the speech Morgan Freeman made at the end of filming 'Angel Has Fallen' PEOPLE Now airs live, Monday through Friday, from the Meredith offices in New York City. Catch PEOPLE ...