We suggest that as the Earth changed physically and chemically over time, its surface conditions allowed for a greater diversity of habitats for life. And these changes operate on geologic timescales ...
The author of the latest read for the New Scientist Book Club on the science that lies behind his novel Alien Clay, set on a prison planet where the biology is very different to that on Earth ...
Today it represents something quite different: a set of extraordinary clues, recently reinterpreted, to one of the deepest and most puzzling mysteries of life on Earth. After burbling along for ...
Billions of years ago, the molecular building blocks of life emerged from a complex web of chemical and geological processes.
The series also explores the emergence of consciousness, the origin and success of humans, and the perceived conflict between science and religion in understanding life on Earth. The Evolution ...
Today, life on Earth depends on the availability of free oxygen, whether in the atmosphere, oceans or aquatic systems. However, oxygen concentrations were low and variable for most of the first ...
“Evolution isn't just a story about where we came from. It's an epic at the center of life itself.”– Kenneth R. Miller, Biologist, Brown University If you are reading this sentence, you’re ...
Martin models the evolution of life on Earth in a few minutes using the visual aid of a walk through timeline. From 4.6 billion years ago when the Earth was red hot, the timeline illustrates the ...