Players are constantly looking for the best Minecraft levels to find every ore to upgrade their weapons or collect a stash for future use. The game features tons of exotic minerals that can be ...
After Minecraft's last major update overhauled copper blocks, it's about time Mojang considered doing the same with its other ...
[Ryan] has a friend with a birthday coming up, and being inspired by ever 12-year-olds favorite game, he decided to make a Minecraft ore block with RGB LEDs. The block can change from diamonds to ...
Note: If you are playing Minecraft on 1.17 or earlier versions you can find Diamond Ore in every Overworld biome between Y-levels 1-15. However, they will be much more abundant between 5-12.
Diamond ore can only be mined with an iron pickaxe ... diamonds — remember that you'll have to make a return trip. Every Minecraft world is divided into layers — think of it like altitude.