If you’ve been around horses long enough, you’re bound to hear it in some form or another in reaction to behaviors, mostly ...
The Hagerman horse is the earliest known member of the Equus genus, which includes modern horses, donkeys and zebras. It is closely related to the zebra, living in North America about 3.5 million ...
Like together, horses, donkeys, and zebras form the genus Equus. If we make a taxonomic sandwich between a Equus quagga, the Plains zebra, and Equus ferus caballus, the domestic horse, there’s 7 ...
Zebra are closely related to the domesticated horse, sharing a genus (Equus) and a common ancestor. They stand nearly five feet at the shoulder, live in small family groups or herds, are sociable ...
Back in February, Men I Trust announced that they would be releasing two new albums — Equus Asinus and Equus Callabus — with ...
Equus? Why would you name a car after a genus of the family Equidae that comprises horses, asses and zebras? Regardless, The Car Connection reports the car's interior will live up to luxury car ...