In Hiroshige’s rendering of Nakatsugawa ... and a stone slab displaying a verse by the Edo poet Matsuo Bashō. Only later did I remember the nearby clearing where we’d stopped to rest.
The existence of such establishments is documented in a “ukiyo-e” woodblock print by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858), an acclaimed artist active toward the end of Edo Period. A large sign that ...
Years later, the Ansei Edo Earthquake strikes the city. Scenes of devastation compels Hiroshige to paint landscapes that were lost in "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo." Will he finally find what ...
Mornings begin early for fishmongers and vegetable peddlers at Nihonbashi Bridge, and here is a reason. They are not going to bow to the lord's procession. The bustling scene from everyday Edo life.