As a dog owner, there are certain things you need to look out for within your home. There are particular items you need to ...
A vet has recently alerted people to 12 foods that are considered toxic to dogs. You may have many of them at home.
There are a number of common plants and flowers that are dangerous and, in some instances, toxic to dogs. It could prove ...
A vet has taken to social media to warn dog owners about the everyday foods that could be toxic to their pets - and some of ...
Vet Amir Anwary, who is known as amirthevet on social media, has warned pet owners to be careful with these fruit and ...
There are a number of plants found in many UK gardens that can prove dangerous to dogs - here's what to look out for.
Dear Eric: I am very allergic to dogs. I also have been bitten numerous times throughout my life so I am quite wary of dogs.
The toxicity in grapes had been difficult to assess in the past because dogs can show a range of reactions from mild to acute renal failure. Some owners claim their dogs have eaten grapes and never ...
Dogs Trust in Bridgend and Cardiff are warning owners of the dangers of spring plants and bulbs. | ITV News Wales ...
Ireland's largest dog welfare charity is warning owners to beware of blooms because some springtime flowers could be toxic ...