The exam includes 10 differentiation problems that require you to know the derivatives of trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions and how to apply the constant multiple, sum, power, ...
Differentiation is used in maths for calculating ... The rate of change of a function \(f(x)\) with respect to \(x\) can be found by finding the derived function \(f\textquotesingle(x)\).
Serves as a first course in calculus and provides a brief review of analytic geometry and trigonometric functions. The course progresses to the study of inverse functions, limits, continuity, ...
Types of discontinuity. A1 1.1(1-16) 1.2(1,3-32) 1.5(1-6,11-22,29,30,35,36) 4 Rules and techniques of differentiation. Product and quotient rule. Derivative of trigonometric and logarithm function ...
Differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric expressions can be used ... is used to find the greatest/least value(s) a function can take. This can involve creating the expression first.