Quick LinksHow To AccessRushdownSupremacyMedallion Farming And LootAsDestiny 2's Guardian Games comes to a close on Tuesday, ...
If you’re enjoying Destiny 2 Episode Heresy’s big Arc buffs, Yesterday’s Question is worth picking up from Trials of Osiris.
Podium in the Destiny 2 Tower (Image via Bungie) After depositing your first medal, open the Event Challenges section and redeem the first challenge. This will then unlock the rest of the challenges.
Destiny 2's annual Guardian Games event has returned ... and the class with the most points gets a dedicated statue in the Tower area for the next year--the biggest change is the addition of ...
What are all the active Destiny 2 codes? Emblems are essential to authentic ... the random Guardians you encounter in the tower, and your opponents in activities such as Crucible.