I fell out with my neighbours. I'm now selling my house and every time I've had a viewing they deliberately cause a nuisance.
I have been getting letters in the post addressed to a name I don't recognise. After several months, I opened one.
Do I have any legal rights to stop this? M. M., via email Dean Dunham replies: Householders generally have the right to make changes to their property. But in the circumstances you have described, ...
The boy next door's football has smashed our greenhouse. His parents have not offered to pay for the repairs. What are our rights?
Is there any way to claim for it? E. L., via email. Dean Dunham replies: Whether or not you can claim for the gazebo depends on what is stated in your policy. Most standard home insurance includes ...
Do I have any legal rights to stop this? M. M., via email Dean Dunham replies: Householders generally have the right to make changes to their property. But in the circumstances you have ...
His parents have not offered to pay for the repairs. What are our rights? W. W., via email. Dean Dunham replies: This will always be a tricky situation as clearly you are entitled to be ...
Do I have any legal rights to stop this? M. M., via email Dean Dunham replies: Householders generally have the right to make changes to their property. But in the circumstances you have ...