Why are the trunks of my crape myrtles turning black? They look rather unsightly. Mine aren't the only ones doing this -- ...
White, wooly adults (figure 1, 2) with pink to purple eggs underneath (Figure 3) can be seen in late spring. The first generation was observed in late May through early June using a hand lens or ...
First detected in the U.S. in Dallas in 2004, crape myrtle bark scale is a sucking insect that feeds on the sap of plants. It excretes a sugary solution known as “honeydew,” like what is ...
Dear Neil: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale — Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years. The scale itself will not kill the plants. However, the sooty mold is the real problem.
According to the Clemson Cooperative Extension, the crapemyrtle bark scale (Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae ... other southern states — feeding on crape myrtles throughout Horry County.
I was amazed at what good help there is out there. Dear Neil: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale – Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years. The scale itself will not kill the ...
I was amazed at what good help there is out there. Q: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale – Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years. The scale itself will not kill the plants.
I was amazed at what good help there is out there. DEAR NEIL: Regarding crape myrtle bark scale — Southeastern Virginia has been battling this pest for years. The scale itself will not kill the ...
The best time to prune crepe myrtles is before new growth appears, so what happens if you prune crepe myrtles later in the ...
Janet B. Carson, a freelance writer, retired in 2018 from her 38-year career at the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension. She was a horticulture specialist and coordinator of the Arkansas ...