It was a horrible place to be, wedged between the suspicion of cases and the inability to test them,” said former city Health ...
Not long after COVID lockdowns began in the U.S. five years ago this week, many readers and writers started to wonder, with a ...
Media falsely claim "recent" research exposed failure of nonpharmaceutical COVID interventions, which was in fact known from ...
While covering Covid, science writer Carl Zimmer learned how little we know about air and how it affects disease transmission ...
A history of aerobiology would normally be a book that would have little interest beyond the science community. But in ...
The answer is far from clear, according to Stephen Macedo and Frances Lee, political scientists at Princeton University. In ...
In “When the World Closed its Borders,” Edward Alden and Laurie Trautman examine one of the lasting legacies of the coronavirus pandemic.
As a clinician, educator, and emotion researcher, I have long believed that our efforts to optimise the wellbeing of health-care professionals are doomed if we cannot talk openly about the emotional ...