A "cosmic CT scan" performed by scientists using two very different cosmic surveys has revealed the cosmos is less clumpy and ...
New research suggests that dark energy isn't needed to explain the acceleration in the expansion of the universe — instead ...
A new study suggests that the cosmic web could have formed without relying on inflation driven by a scalar field. Instead, it ...
Physicists have created a 3D shape called the cosmohedron, which can be used to reconstruct the quantum wavefunction of the ...
Rare ultra-faint dwarf galaxies beyond the influence of other galaxies show evidence that star formation was stifled long ago ...
A rare group of aligned, star-birthing dwarf galaxies resemble a cosmic string of pearls. Astronomers have discovered a rare group of five dwarf galaxies located relatively close to Earth; these ...
Astrology, an ancient practice rooted in the alignment of stars and planets, is evolving rapidly as artificial intelligence.
A powerful combination of data from two very different astronomical surveys has allowed researchers to build a "cosmic CT scan" of the universe's evolution. These snapshots reveal that ...
"Even more striking is their nearly perfect alignment in the sky, forming a distinct 'string of cosmic pearls.'" The galaxies were discovered via data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS ...
A powerful combination of data from two very different astronomical surveys has allowed researchers to build a "cosmic CT scan" of the universe's evolution. These snapshots reveal that, as forces like ...