I had the opportunity to pick up a nice little 17-inch Samsung SyncMaster CRT monitor a while ago, which I bought ...
Despite being over 20 years old, CRT monitors offer incredibly low input latency crucial for retro gaming experience. The ...
Apparently not, as this hybrid LCD-CRT video monitor demonstrates. We’d honestly never heard of this particular design, dubbed “LCCS”, or liquid crystal color shutter, until [Technology ...
Whether your screen is a domestic TV or a dedicated monitor, the heat and voltage stress of driving a CRT made these devices significantly less reliable than many of their modern-day counterparts.
The Ultrak line of high-performance colour monitors are designed with advanced colour processing technology for enhanced colour purity and colour transition. The over/underscan feature on the monitors ...
When developing Quake at id Software in the mid-1990s, John Carmack used an Intergraph InterView 28hd96 color CRT monitor. This cutting-edge display measured 28 inches (25.9 inches viewable ...