Starward Vector is, in some ways, just Citizen Sleeper But More. No longer are you stuck exploring a single station; now, a ...
Citizen Sleeper 2 tells an engrossing sci-fi story determined by choices and dice.
If you're eager for a story-rich, complex, and challenging narrative adventure, look no further than Citizen Sleeper 2: ...
Starward Vector is the perfect sequel, offering complexity, consequence, and quiet optimism in a world of strife.
With more dicey systems and crew management Citizen Sleeper 2 risks losing some of its storytelling heart, even if it remains a well-crafted sci-fi RPG.
The game wants you to adapt and push through a failed roll, not reload a save and keep trying until you succeed.
Citizen Sleeper sits firmly in the science fiction ... You have the same dice roll mechanism deciding your success with various actions, dictating which locations will open up to you.