While the common ancestor of vertebrates with synovial joints is still a mystery, the oldest specimen with evidence of these ...
Sharks belong to a group of creatures known as cartilaginous fishes, because most of their skeleton is made from cartilage rather than bone. The only part of their skeleton not made from this soft, ...
Forensic anthropologists will compare this against a database of standard markers to learn the age of the skeleton. Check if there are any soft marks on the cartilage which are left by childbirth ...
Megalodon, the largest shark, was probably slimmer and longer than previously believed, a new study has revealed. Scientists ...
Sharks don’t have bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage - the same soft, flexible stuff as your ears and the tip of your nose are made of. This is true for all sharks, from the formidable great ...
This blue skate’s skeleton is made up of the same stuff as your nose and ears – cartilage. However, parts of a skate’s skeleton, such as the skull and spine, are strengthened by minerals, resulting in ...
How does the armored tiling on shark and ray cartilage maintain a continuous covering as the animals' skeletons expand during ...
This vivid chameleon embryo has been stained to highlight the bones and cartilage of its skeleton. You can also see some of its developing internal organs. This vivid chameleon embryo has been stained ...
Older than the dinosaurs, Pacific lamprey look like eels, but are actually a prehistoric fish with a cartilaginous skeleton ...