Fortnite is no stranger to leaks, but the vaulted and unvaulted weapons for the mid season update come from Epic themselves.
Once you're inside one of the Fortnite Black Markets you can approach ... while an Epic Plasma Burst Rifle will set you back 600! There are also certain weapons that you can only buy using a ...
You can find both variants in loot chests, supply drops, and even rare chests across the Fortnite island. Given that the long-range rifle is quite ... weapons like the Burst Quad Launcher and ...
However, the Plasma Burst Laser isn’t the easiest item to come by. Loot is always a bit random in Fortnite, but there are a few guaranteed ways to get your hands on the weapon — as long as you ...
Season 2 of Chapter 6 has been off to a great start, but it's about to get even more hype. We're entering the middle stages of the season, meaning that Epic Gam ...
Fortnite Battle Royale ... game weapons include the Plasma Burst Laser, with its continuous fire rate and explosive bursts; the versatile Holo Twister Assault Rifle, ideal for both close and ...