This cockatoo is BFFs with a parakeet, and they make quite the unlikely pair. Budgies, also called shell parakeets and lovebirds, are a type of small domesticated parakeet also native to Australia.
Budgies are very popular pets. They come in various vibrant colors and tend to be very friendly and talkative birds. + Video: Dog confronts mountain lion and survives to tell the tale Here are ...
The green parakeets, which have become a common addition to Berkshire's avian community, have been making their way back into ...
Incas died at the Cincinnati Zoo, leaving behind mysteries over his death, his final resting place and the factors that led to the extinction of the Carolina parakeet ...
There are diseases that can be transferred to humans from psittacine birds, such as parrots and budgies, such as a viral infection. In addition, people can also show an allergic reaction to ...
The zoo adopted 172 budgie birds, 2 eclectus parrots, a Catalina macaw, a military macaw, a golden conure, a capybara and a reticulated python.