A couple of years ago, my husband and I decided to turn our Minnesota yard into a haven for bees and butterflies. We dug out the grass and planted native pollinators — coneflowers and monarda ...
When Emergence magazine asked “Braiding Sweetgrass ... to write a book about our relationship to nature but the success of “Sweetgrass” has spilled over to other books about appreciating ...
By Mackenzie Davis  Robin Wall Kimmerer, the author of the 2013 book ‘Braiding Sweetgrass,’ will be attending a virtual event hosted by Grand Rapids Community College on Thursday, March 20. From 5:30 ...
A book this rich in metaphor deserves a metaphorical introduction: Braiding Sweetgrass is a deerskin pouch containing a smouldering coal of shkitagen fungus, starter of cheering fires to come.