Lou, fondly known as “P” to his family, wore many hats throughout his extraordinary life: artist, sculptor, professor, ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
The new private island, separate from the main penguin colony, so far accommodates six aging African penguins, who range in ...
The New England Aquarium’s retirement area for penguins offers specialized healthcare and a peaceful habitat for elderly ...
African penguins at the New England Aquarium will live well into their golden years on a new, private island specifically ...
In an effort to take care of its aging penguins, the New England Aquarium has established a new living space for their more ...
Some of the penguins at the aquarium are in their 30s, which is double the normal life expectancy of African penguins in the wild.
Penguins now have a place to go as they get older. More than half of the New England Aquarium’s African penguin colony has met or surpassed their typical life expectancy of 10 – 15 years in the wild.
There's still time to catch some winter-oriented art in Boston before the warm weather arrives in the Bay State. The Winteractive display in the downtown area is a free exhibit that will be up for a ...
Eric Dahl’s daughter Madeline was enjoying a day off from school Monday at the New England Aquarium.Things took a turn when she<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...