who was affiliated with Birmingham’s 9Boyz gang: “Sadly, this is yet another case of very serious violence involving the use ...
Birmingham was almost averaging a homicide every other day.Now, North Alabama's top prosecutor says gang revenge shootings played a major role.“A lot of what we also see is retaliatory violence, and a ...
The gang stole more than £100,000 from victims ... Mr Brook says that eight hours after arriving back in Birmingham Al Ezawy sent a picture of another potential victim to Sharif.
The Albanians found in the cars were handed to the French authorities Six members of a people smuggling gang from Birmingham are facing jail after two groups of Albanian nationals were found by ...
Officers said the case was a "wake-up call" for gangs. During an early morning raid at a south Birmingham property in June, officers discovered a pellet pistol converted to fire live rounds and a ...
Saturday evening, a 6-year-old child was struck by a 4-wheeler in the Ensley neighborhood in Birmingham.Birmingham Police say the incident occured ...
Demalji Hadza, Abubaker Al Ezawy, Ali Hassan, Mohammed Sharif and Wasim Omar, all in their 20s and from Birmingham, face lengthy jail sentences for a series of robbery offences in 2023 and 2024 ...