A new Federal Aviation Administration alert indicates President Trump will make his near weekly sojourn to Florida in the ...
Nightclubs are bumping, traffic is snarled, and top restaurants are booked as world leaders and power brokers flock to Trump's "Winter White House." The sunny seaside resort town may never be the ...
President Joe Biden is interrupting his beach weekend to return to the White House as Israel and US forces in the Middle East brace for a possible impending attack by Iran. Biden had been in ...
The May 1975 event for Susan Ford's class remains the only high school dance ever held at the White House Virginia Chamlee is a Politics Writer at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE for ...
Little more than a month into the transition to the presidency in 1960, John F. Kennedy's life was threatened in Palm Beach by a mental patient intent on turning himself into a "human bomb ...
Commissioner Kathleen Peters has pleaded with Army Corps officials under the Biden and Trump administrations to change a ...