Large arrow points to the B ring, and the small arrow points to the A ring.
This occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter (LES)—the muscular ring at the bottom of your esophagus—does not close ...
In 1959 Bartlett and Jones 4 described 4 patients with the lower esophageal ring operated upon at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In each of these 4 cases a small sliding hiatus hernia was ...
Schatzki's rings do not prevent esophageal reflux, and they may act to decrease esophageal acid clearance, especially in the supine position, thereby increasing esophageal acid exposure.
Barrett's esophagus is an acquired metaplastic abnormality in which the normal stratified squamous epithelium lining of the esophagus is replaced by an intestinal-like columnar epithelium.