The Angels, Rangers and Astros New Era Overlap line of hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled ...
Michael Shapiro is a sports reporter for Chron, covering the Astros, Rockets, Texans and every team in town. Michael is a ...
The banned MLB hats have been going viral on Twitter, and now, the Astros have joined the Rangers and Angels in having them ...
It's gotten to the point where MLB is pulling several Overlap hats from the team stores. Earlier this week, MLB pulled the ...
New Era has already pulled three MLB teams’ new hats off shelves after the "Overlap" design caused some unintended ...
Pinkerton's Barbecue and Truth BBQ, both with Houston locations, are now forever connected with the Houston Astros thanks to some hats.
The special-issue hats, featuring the team's wordmark in the background and primary logo in the front, have been the subject ...
Two more hats from New Era's MLB Overlap line have also been pulled from circulation following the initial removal of a ...