Instead of adhering to what was in an older expansion, World's Edge just decided to make something better.
Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold to PS5 players in only a few months. Series developer World’s Edge revealed PlayStation versions of its strategy hits in a blog post on its ...
Both Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition are coming to PS5. Players on PS5 will be able to purchase and enjoy both titles when they launch on Sony's latest console.
The Immortal Pillars DLC for Age of Mythology Retold is out right now. If you already own the Premium Edition of the game, it’ll be yours at no extra cost, but for those with the base version it ...
I reviewed Age of Mythology: Retold when it first launched ... but it's also just included in the Premium Edition (or Premium Upgrade, for Xbox Game Pass players) of the game.