Meeting is taking place during Ramadan this year, and much of its programming echoes the communal nature of the holy month.
Rajasthan MP objects to mandatory retina scans in MGNREGA, citing cultural concerns for women in his constituency.
The possible closure of the only Gondi-medium school in Maharashtra is one of absorption through the state which is operationalised through the non-recognition of the elements of tribal culture ...
The Bharat Adivasi Party MP said the new norms introduced in the last five years will weaken the employment scheme.
Ranganathan will use the funds to spearhead a mentorship program for Dalit and Adivasi students applying to graduate school in the United States. Dalit communities face considerable discrimination in ...
"Our livelihoods are tied to this land - we don't know what the future holds for us anymore," said Tulsi Adivasi, who is among the thousands of villagers protesting against the project. Most of ...
This served as the backdrop for the book talk on Ethnicity and Adivasi Identity In Bangladesh by Mahmudul H Sumon, which was held at DrikPath Bhobon on February 8, 2025. The discussion panel ...
Rajasthan MP Rajkumar Roat on Monday objected to retina scans being made mandatory in NREGA scheme, saying the culture in his constituency does not permit women to uncover their faces. Speaking during ...