Congressional Democrats are pushing legislation that would assure anyone coming into the country legally with access to a ...
California state lawmaker Kate Sanchez will introduce a bill to close a loophole in current law preventing federal and state ...
A new bill proposed in California ( SB 243) would require AI companies to periodically remind kids that a chatbot is an AI ...
The bills would raise the minimum credit for those with low wages and the age for the state's young child tax credit.
Learn about California's SB 48, designed to restrict ICE near schools and uphold its sanctuary status amid federal ...
One proposed trailer bill that would help deaf Californians, while quite innocuous in its effect, has an interesting and ...
At the end of bills in the California Legislature, there may be “plus sections,” which are uncodified provisions that may do ...
California lawmakers propose legislation that could allow vicims of the devastating Southern California wildfires to sue oil ...
Republicans in Riverside and across California introduced legislation to prevent wildfires, bolster firefighting efforts and ...